Downsizing may sound like a real estate phrase more than a forex phrase, but bear with me.
How much forex related junk have you got on your computer?
I'm talking ebooks, videos, audio etc?
And how much of it has actually proven to be USEFUL?
How much of it has made a real difference to the way in which you trade on a daily basis?
How many emails do you get on the subject? Again, how much of it has proven to be of use?
If the answer is 'not very much', then now is the time to do a bit of downsizing. Delete delete, unsubscribe and delete!
What this is going to do is allow you to focus. Clearing out the noise that can so easily distract us will let you drill-down to what has actually been PROVEN to work for you, and therefore help you in becoming a more focussed, and therefore more profitable trader.
This works, in any part of your daily life, but it certainly works in forex.
Downsize now,